Wednesday, June 17, 2009

responsibility and pets

I consider myself considerably more of a dog person than a cat person. However, our needy kitty, Dotti, does get a healthy dose of affection and has provided me with many mental health moments. Now she shows significant signs of aging which is appropriate since she is over 15 years old.

I feel like the little kid who wants that pet so badly as to say what the adults wants to hear - "yes, I will care for the pet - and feed her, and clean up after her, and bathe her." That lasts for a week and then the adult assumes the responsibility. That is what adults do: assume responsibility. I do not like the extra care and cleaning up or special feeding that lies ahead. I do want Dotti's sunset years to be as pleasant as possible and will do whatever is necessary until the little kid in me does not want to assume the responsibility. I really am uncomfortable with that thought since I am the adult. I should just follow my advice I give my kids: suck it up cupcake.

Ok Dotti it is time for your medicine - oh wait I did that already.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One of one

Careful what you wish for . . .

I have thought that having a blog would be fun, but never actually considered creating one. I hadn't given it much thought, but happened to stumble upon this while trying to figure out how to ask a question on another site. At the moment I have an Arianna Huffington like voice chattering in my head - well I am laughing at it. Laughter is always a good thing. As is food, family, and friends. Procrastination is a very bad thing and unfortunately blogging falls under that catagory. Distractions are my bane in life and sadly I have passed that onto my offspring. I wonder which is worse: that character flaw or ample hips. hmmm.